Read what Beliebers had to say about Justin Bieber first 3D Movie.
Below are reviews from lucky fans who have already watched “Never Say Never” Movie from the Premiere.
1. “OMG I just saw Never Say Never movie.! Justin inspires me to pursue my dreams. Even when so many people have doubts in me” by HeavenChula
2. “The movie was amazing! It really opened my eyes. People should learn to respect JB more!” by Ayeemuhree
3. “After watching NEVERSAYNEVER3D theres NO WAY I will give up on my dreams . AMAZING movie!” by Bieberfan1029
4. “Never Say Never is a story I didn’t expect.Great people doing something very unique and special.” by robdyrdek
5. “Best movie I have ever seen! NEVER SAY NEVER was insane!” by BUSTINJIEBER92
6. “Its funny that once people see the Justin Bieber movie they realize who he really is. When we knew who he was all along.” by CourttyyP3
7. “The movie was awesome!! I’m blessed to have seen it and will go again and again! Never say never” by Muhree_Krystal
8. “FUNNY scenes in the movie was when it was slow-mo and Ryan Good was just standing there and BAM slapped!” by BieberDiaries
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